1、痛苦会让你变得更坚强。 “Your pain only makes you stronger.”
2、千万别让他们夺走你的初心。 “Never let them take your heart.”
3、我女儿是全世界最强悍的女儿。 “My Girls Are The Toughest Girls In The World”
“He can mimic anything he’s ever seen. It’s like fighting a mirror.”
5、忽略关键的部分,真相往往说不通。 The truth rarely makes sense when you omit key details.’ – Yelena Belova
“I’m not the trained killer that little girls call their hero.”
7、摆弄姿势的时候,我其实是想把事情做好,让自己看起来不要那么像职业杀手,以弥补苦难所造成人们的痛苦。 Natasha Romanoff: All that time that I spent posing, I was trying to actually do something good, to make up for all the pain and suffering that we caused. Trying to be more than just a trained killer.
8、苦难是人们的日常,我们仍然还是职业杀手。 Yelena Belova: Because pain and suffering is every day, and we are both still a trained killer. Except I’m not the one that’s on the cover of a magazine. I’mnot the killer that little girls call their hero.
9、这个死法实在是太酷了! “This would be a cool way to die.”
10、「你所经历的是心理制约。我说的是化学改变大脑功能。它们是完全不同的两种东西。」 “What you experienced was psychological conditioning. I’m talking about chemically altering brain functions. They’re two completely different things.”
11、我自愿去西方成为复仇者,是因为他们把我当成家人。 “I chose to go West to be an Avenger. They treated me like family.”
12、我原本可以比美国队长更出名。 “I could have been more famous than Captain America.”
13、你虽然变胖了,但依然很棒。 “You got fat. But still good.”
14、“当世界受到控制时,它会得到更有效地运作。” “The world functions on a higher level when it is controlled.”
15、我们坚守自己的职责,就将自己的角色发挥到了极致。 “We had our orders and we played our roles to perfection.”
16、从现在起,你们可以自己做主了! “You get to make your own choices now.”
17、我们都倒栽葱了。 “We’re both upside-down.”
18、你无法击败一个能够控制他人意志的人。 “You can’t defeat a man who commands the very will of others.”
19、我一直认为别追忆过往。 “I’ve always found it best not to look into the past.
20、这个家对我同样真实。 “It Was Real To Me Too”
21、这是我生命中最美好的部分,要是你们没有告诉我那是假的。 “The Best Part Of My Life Was Fake And None Of You Told Me”
22、“我知道!我知道你知道,这太酷了,对吧? ” “I Knew It! I Knew You Did, It’s So Cool, Right?”
23、这实在是太恶心了! “That Was Disgusting”
24、努力让自己看起来不要那么像职业杀手。 “Trying to be more than just a trained killer.”
25、我真的没有地方可以去,所以我去哪里都可以。 “I don’t know I don‘t really have anywhere to go back to, so I guess anywhere.”
26、我每天都在想她,无论我愿不愿意承认。 Natasha Romanoff: I thought about her every day of my life. Whether or not I admitted it to myself, I did.
27、「真正的战争在这里,在暗中作战。」 「你不是在暗中作战,你是躲在黑暗之中。」 Dreykov: You ran away to fight in the wrong war. The real war was fought here, in the shadows. Natasha Romanoff: You didn’t fight in the shadows. You hid in the dark.
28、真正的力量来自于无法察觉的影响力。 Dreykov: Real power comes from undetectable influence.
29、我的寡妇能开战也能终战,能造王也能灭王。 Dreykov: With you, an Avenger under my control, I can finally come out of the shadows using the only natural resource that the world has too much of. Girls.
30、我们不会丢下妳们不管。 “Let me put you on hold.” “Such a poser.” 假掰、装逼
